Healing for your community

Online & In-Person Community Events

We believe that healing happens in community

As human beings, we are wired for social connection, and yet when it comes to self-discovery and healing, we tend to do it alone. As a result, we develop senses of isolation and disconnection, as we believe others will fail to understand our experiences. For this reason, our Soul-Led community events aim to help you find a supportive tribe for your journey and healing within your community.

Upcoming Events

A gathering to evolve and come home into who we are meant to be.

The constant hum of our daily lives can increase its intensity to a point where we feel out of sync with our true-selves. When our senses are heightened and we find ourselves always looking for what could go wrong, or what is the next problem to solve, it’s hard to be still, calm and connected to ourselves.

When & Where:

From 10 am to 4 pm at Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre located at 2386 Thomas Dolan Parkway, Carp, ON Saturday, Feb 11, 2023 | Saturday, April 1, 2023 | Saturday, May 6, 2023

Has life been putting you through the paces and you just desperately need a chance to catch your breath, connect back to yourself and what you really want?

Click here to sign up!

We couldn’t be more excited to start this with you!